Networking is the ultimate level of communication.It transcends works and pictures to provide pathway for thoughts,ideas, and dreams.Networking as it exists today is the result of millions of evolution and growth.


The world largest network.Millions of networks are connected with cast proportions of its own kind.


Computers should be maintained properly. It should always be in good condition


Local area networks have some specific architecture for communicating among the computers in the connection.


A connection of distributed, intelligent machines that share data and information through interconnected lines of communication is called network.

How to Remove the sharing

1.  Right click on 'My computer'.
2.  Click on 'Manage'.
3.  Click on 'Shared folders'.
4.  Click on 'Shares'.
5.  Right click on the drive or the folder of which you want to remove the sharing.
6.  Click on 'Stop sharing'.
7.  Click on 'Yes'.

Another way to view the shared drives or the folders:

1.  Right click on 'My computer'.
2.  Click on 'Manage'.
3.  Click on 'Shared folders'.
4.  Click on 'Shares'.


It is a process to make drive or folders accessible with the computers on the network. We can also share the files but we cannot share it directly. A file can be shared automatically when it is inside a shared folder.
We can create two kinds of sharing:
1.  Visible Share: - The visible share can be viewed from any computer on the network.
2.  Hidden Share: - To view the hidden share, we need to specify the share name followed with '$' sign.
     All the hard disk drives are the default hidden share.

Process of sharing
1.  Right click on the folder or the drive you want to share.
2.  Click on 'Sharing and Security'.
3.  Click on 'Share this folder' radio button.
4.  In 'Share name' box, type the share name or let the share name that is appeared by default.
Note: If you want to make it hidden share then type the '$' sign just after the share name. And if you want to make it the visible share then don't provide the '$' sign after the folder name.
5.  Click on 'Permissions' button and click on 'Full control' check box. In Windows 2000 OS, it is the default Full control permission.
6.  Click on 'Apply' / OK.
7.  Click on 'Apply' / OK.
Note: Using the net share command on the command prompt, we can view all the share (both hidden and visible) drive or folder can be seen.

How to Check the Connectivity

1.  Go to ‘Run’ window.
2.  Type ‘cmd’ and click on OK.
3.  Now type DOS commands on Network such as:

Commands on Network
1.  Ping: - This command lets you to check the connectivity between the systems on the network.
     C:\>Ping <Computer name / IP address> and press ‘Enter’ key.
     C:\>Ping com4
2.  Net view: - It shows the systems on the same network.
     e.g.                            c:\>net view
3.  Net send: - This command sends the message to the specified computer name or the IP specified.
     e.g.                            c:\>net send com1 hi
          c:\>net send hi
Instead of computer name or the IP address, if you have specified the ‘*’ mark then it will send the specified message to all the hosts on the network.
e.g.                            c:\>net send * hi
4.  Net User: - This command displays the list of the user currently available on the system.
     e.g. c:\>net user
Ø Using the following syntax we can create the user from the command prompt.
Syntax:Net user <user name> [Password] </add>
e.g.                            c:\>net user abc pop /add
Ø Here, the user name is ‘abc’ and its password is ‘pop’.
Ø Using the following syntax, we can delete the user.
     Syntax: c:\>net user <user name> </delete>
     e.g. c:\>net user abc /delete
5.  Ipconfig: - This command displays the IP address, Subnet mask and Connection specific, DNS, Suffix address etc.
     e.g.                            c:\>ipconfig
6.  Ipconfig/all: - Using the ‘/all’ option with ‘ipconfig’ will display the physical address (MAC), Computer name, IP address, Subnet mask etc.
     e.g. c:\>ipconfig/all
7.  Hostname: - It displays the name of computer.
     e.g.                            c:\>hostname
8.  arp –a: - It displays the list of the IP of all the computers on the network.
9.  Net share: - It displays the list of shared drives and the folders on the system.
     e.g.                            c:\>net share
How to connect the computer remotely (Remote Desktop Connection)
1.  Right click on ‘My computer’.
2.  Click on ‘Properties’.
3.  Click on ‘Remote’ tab.
4.  Put check mark on ‘Allow users to connect remotely to this computer’ option.
5.  Click on ‘Apply’/OK.
6   To connect:
     a.  Start / Program / Accessories / Communication / Remote Desktop Connection
          Type ‘mstsc’ in ‘Run’ window.
     b.  Type the administrator name in the ‘User name’ box and the password.
     c.  Click on OK.
Note: 1.  Computer must have password for administrator that you have to run remotely.
                   2.       The computer that you connected remotely will automatically be locked. It can be unlocked only               by the password of administrator

How to Define IP Address and Subnet Mask

1.  Right click on ‘My Network Places’.
2.  Click on ‘Properties’.
3.  Right click on ‘Local Area Connection’ and then choose ‘Properties’.
4.  Choose ‘Internet Protocol (TCP/IP’.
5.  Click on ‘Properties’
6.  Type the IP address.
e.g.                            Com1                   Com2          Com3

          Net ID       Host ID                           Net ID       Host ID        Net ID      Host ID
7.  Click on OK / Close.

How to change computer name and workgroup

1.  Right click on ‘My Computer’.                 
2.  Click on ‘Properties’.
3.  Click on ‘Computer Name’ tab.
4.  Click on ‘Change’ button.
5.  Click on ‘Computer name’ box and type the computer name.
6.  Click on ‘Workgroup’ and type the workgroup name.
7.  Click on OK.
8.  If the system asks for the administrator name then type the name of administrator and its password.
9.  Click on OK / OK / OK / Yes.

Physical Network Setup

1.  Two or more than two systems with Ethernet Controller (LAN card) and its proper driver must be installed.
2.  If you have to establish the network in only 2 systems then have a crossover cabling and if you have to establish the network in more than 2 systems with the help of central connectivity device (Switch / Hub) then have parallel cabling for it.
3.  Connect the one end of cable to the switch/hub and another end of cable to the system NIC.
4.  Now start the system and assign the computer name, workgroup, IP address, and its subnet mask.
Ø   Computer name must be different.
e.g.  com1, com2, com3 etc.
Ø   Workgroup must be same.
Ø   IP address:
i.   Net ID must be same (for same network).
ii.  Host ID must be different.
Ø   Subnet Mask must be same


Ø Local called routing.
Ø Uses with routers.
Ø Connects with different LANs.


Ø It accepts the weak signal and converts into the strong signal as the source and sends the signal to the destination.


Ø Especially Router is used on WAN.   
Ø It connects the various LANs.
Ø Maximum uses media on WAN.


Ø It connects two different Network
Ø It also divides a Network (LAN) into various LANs (Making easier of complex LAN).


Ø Most popular media                                
Ø Latest media
Ø It sends data directly to the destination.
Ø No Collision problem.
Ø It also consist various ports.


Ø Maximum uses media
Ø Old Media
Ø It consists of various ports like 4, 8, 16, 32, 64 ports.
Ø Hub sends data to all the Computers on the Network which causes collision (Confliction) problem on the Network.


Cabling is a process of connecting the cables with its connectors. There are different kinds of cabling:
1.  Parallel cabling: - Parallel cabling is done for the different devices. When we have to establish the connection via the different connectivity devices then we make this type of cabling. The different kinds of devices can be From Switch to computer or From Hub to computer.
2.  Crossover Cabling: - The crossover cabling is done if we have to connect the same devices such as from one computer to another, from one hub to another hub or from switch to switch.
Whether we make the simple or the crossover cable, both can be done in two ways: -
[1] Simple Cabling: - 10 Mbps
          Parallel: -
                   "A"                                                  "B"
                   [1] Orange                                         [1] Orange
                   [2] Orange White                              [2] Orange White
                   [3] Blue                                             [3] Blue
                   [4] Blue White                                   [4] Blue White
                   [5] Green                                           [5] Green
                   [6] Green White                                [6] Green White
                   [7] Brown                                         [7] Brown
                   [8] Brown White                               [8] Brown White

Cross Over:-
          Formula for crossover cabling: -
                   1 goes to 3
                   2 goes to 6
                   3 goes to 1
                   6 goes to 2
                   "A"                                                  "B"
                   [1] Orange                                         [1] Blue
                   [2] Orange White                              [2] Green White
                   [3] Blue                                             [3] Orange
                   [4] Blue White                                   [4] Blue White
                   [5] Green                                           [5] Green
                   [6] Green White                                [6] Orange White
                   [7] Brown                                         [7] Brown
                   [8] Brown White                               [8] Brown White
[2] IEEE Stander of Cabling: 100 Mbps          
          Parallel: -
                    "A"                                                  "B"
                   [1] Orange White                              [1] Orange White 
                   [2] Orange                                         [2] Orange
                   [3] Green White                                [3] Green White
                   [4] Blue                                             [4] Blue
                   [5] Blue White                                   [5] Blue White
                   [6] Green                                           [6] Green
                   [7] Brown White                               [7] Brown White
                   [8] Brown                                         [8] Brown
Formula for crossover cabling: -
                    1 goes to 3
                   2 goes to 6
                   3 goes to 1
                    6 goes to 2
Cross Over:          "A"                                          "B"
                   [1] Orange White                              [1] Green White
                   [2] Orange                                         [2] Green
                   [3] Green White                                [3] Orange White
                   [4] Blue                                             [4] Blue
                   [5] Blue White                                   [5] Blue White
                   [6] Green                                           [6] Orange
                   [7] Brown White                               [7] Brown White
                   [8] Brown                                         [8] Brown


Cable is a bunch of wire which is used to transmit data or information within the network from one host to another host or from one network to another network. There are different kinds of cable but more importantly we use twisted pair cable.
1.  Coaxial Cable: - The coaxial cable is outdated now. This cable was used in prior with the BUS topology or Ring topology to establish the network. In this cable there lie two wires. One is the Copper wire which transmits the Analog Signal and another one is concentric wire which transmits the digital signal. The copper wire is protected with a white coloured inner sheath and the concentric wire is protected with a black coloured upper sheath. It looks same as the cable of TV. The connectors used with this cable are T-connector, BNC connector and the End connector. It has data transfer rate up to 10 MbPS. There are two kinds of coaxial cable:
     a.  Thicknet
     b.  Thinnet
2.  Twisted Pair Cable: - It is the 4 paired cables in which all the pairs are twisted together 6 turns per inch with each other. The 4 paired cables are in different colours. They are:
[a] Orange   -        Orange White
          [b] Green    -        Green White
          [c] Blue                 -        Blue White
          [d] Brown   -        Brown White
There are two kinds of twisted pair cable:
1.  STP (Shielded Twisted Pair Cable)
2.  UTP (Unshielded Twisted Pair Cable)
On the basis of Category (CAT) there are different kinds of cable:
a.  CAT1     >       2 paired cable       >       Bandwith / Data transfer rate 1-2 Mbps
b.  CAT2     >       4 paired cable       >       Bandwith / Data transfer rate 10 Mbps
c.  CAT3     >       4 paired cable       >       Bandwith / Data transfer rate 16 Mbps
d.  CAT4     >       4 paired cable       >       Bandwith / Data transfer rate 20 Mbps
e.  CAT5     >       4 paired cable       >       Bandwith / Data transfer rate 100 Mbps
f.   CAT5E  >       4 paired cable       >       Bandwith / Data transfer rate 1 GbPS/ 1000 Mbps
Among these categories, most we use CAT5 or CAT5E. Using CAT5, we can establish the network within 200 meters of long distance and using the CAT5E, we can establish the network within 500 meters of long distance.
The connector of twisted pair cable is RJ-45.
3.  Fiber Optic Cable: - The Fiber optic cable uses the light signal instead of electronic signal to transmit the data. Its connectors are SC and ST. Its metal sheath is highly polished through which light wave passes to transmit the data. It transmits the data in the speed of light. The transfer rate of this cable is 100-1000 Gbps.

IP address can be assigned in 2 ways

1.  Dynamic IP: - Dynamic IP is the changeable IP address which is automatically accepted by the hosts in two cases:
     a.  In case of configuring the DHCP server when we use the client server network.
     b.  In case of if we do not define the manual IP. If the NIC and its driver are installed and proper configuration is done then in the properties of TCP / IP, the radio button “Obtain an IP address automatically” is selected.
2.  Static IP: - This is the constant IP address. This IP address is defined manually by the user from the properties of TCP / IP.
Note: Whether we define the Static IP or Dynamic IP, both are classified as the ‘Private’ and ‘Public’ IP.
Private IP: - This IP can be used free of cost by a normal user. The range of private IP in class ‘A’, ‘B’, and ‘C’ are:
Class ‘A’    :                to
Class ‘B’    :  to
Class ‘C’    :          to
Note: The range of class ‘B’ to is reserved for MRIP (Microsoft Reserved Internet Protocol) / APIPA (Automatically Provided Internet Protocol Address).
Public IP: -This IP can be used only after paying the cost. This type of IP is used by the ISP (Internet Service Provider

Total number of Network and Host in different class of IPs

Class 'A'
(1-126). (0-255).(0-255).(0-255)
Net ID         Host ID
Total No. of Network = 126
Total No. of Host in a Network = (256×256×256)-2 = 16777216-2 = 16777214
Total No. of Computers = 126×16777214 = 2113928964
Class 'B'
Net ID                     Host ID
Total No. of Network = 64×256 = 16384
Total No. of Host in a Network = (256×256)-2 = 65536-2 = 65534
Total No. of Computers = 16384×65534 = 1073741824
Class 'C'
Net ID                            Host ID
Total No. of Network = 32×256×256 = 202752
Total No. of Host in a Network = 256-2 = 254
Total No. of Computers = 202752×254 = 532676608