
           Protocol is the communication language or rule which establishes the network within the hosts (nodes) on the network. There are different kinds of protocol.
1. TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol)
2.     FTP (File Transfer Protocol)
3.     POP (Post Office Protocol)
4.  SMTP (Simple Mail Transmission Protocol)
5.     IPX / SPX (Internet Packet Exchange / Sequential Packet Exchange)
6.     WAP (Wireless Access Protocol)
7.     DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol)
1.  TCP / IP: - The TCP / IP have 2 parts:
a.  TCP: - The Transmission Control Protocol is responsible to establish communication between the two networks, hosts on the network and the main function of TCP is to transmit the data by identifying the host on the network.
b.  IP: - The Internet Protocol is responsible to receive the packet of information or the data.
Note: The TCP / IP uses the IP address to establish the communication between the networks.