Access website loading slow faster without upgrading anything !!

This is a global problem that sometime we need to access a website like urgently and the website loads very slow. If you are facing the same problem than for the solution i guess this the the right place.

 It’s simple, just add at end of the domain and you will be able to load the website at better speed. But suppose you want to download Kali Linux , which can be downloaded from 


then how would you load it faster ? Again you have to just add after the main domain and keep everything same, i.e.

Now how it works ?

This is a free service provided by Coral CDN, a free content delivery network(CDN). It uses peer-to-peer technology to load website in your computer, which results in even faster website. It is a network of proxies and nameservers through which content is distrubuted to you at faster speed.