
           Topology is the physical layout of computer which describes that how computers are connected, arranged, managed, and flow of the data from one host to another host. There are different kinds of topology:
1.  Bus Topology: - In Bus topology, we can connect maximum 30 computers with 100 meters of coaxial cable. We use terminator cap at the end of the both side of the coaxial cable to block the flow of information. In this topology, we use BNC connector, T connector, LAN card, Terminator cable to connect the computers on the network. If the main cable will fail, it will affect the entire network.

2.  Ring Topology: - In Ring topology, all the computers are connected in circular form same as ring. Its data flows in only one direction. So, if one computer fails, the remaining computer on its anti clock wise direction cannot access the data same as Bus topology. We can connect here maximum 30 computers with 100 meters of coaxial cable. In Ring topology, the terminator point and the terminator cable are not used.

3.  Star Topology: - In Star topology, all the computers are connected with the help of switch or hub for the local LAN and we use repeater, router to connect the different LANs of Star topology. In this topology, if one computer will fails it will not affect another computer on the network. But if central connectivity device fails, it will affect the entire network. It uses more cable. We use twisted pair cable, NIC, RJ-45, switch/Hub to connect the computers on the network.

4.  Hybrid Topology: - With the hybrid topology, two or more topologies are combined to form a complete network. For example, a hybrid topology could be the combination of a star and bus topology. These are also the most common in use.

5.  Mesh Topology: - In a mesh topology, each computer is connected to every other computer by a separate cable. This configuration provides redundant paths through the new work, so if one computer blows up, you don't lose the network. On a large scale, you can connect multiple LANs using mesh topology with leased telephone lines, Thicknet coaxial cable or fiber optic cable.
Again, the big advantage of this topology is its backup capabilities by providing multiple paths through the network.